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September 13th, 2010, 04:49 Posted By: bandit

RichDevX has just announced on his Twitter account that he has been successful in executing lv2 privileged code on a PS3 debugging station. What this means is that we will be able to port PSGroove on any PS3 firmware prior to 3.42. So pretty soon you wont have to update your PS3 to version 3.41 to be able to run the exploit.
To Quote RichDevX:awesome! I successfully executed lv2 privileged code on a ps3 debugging station it means that I'm able to port psgroove to all PS3 FW versions (debug/retail (pre 3.42))
Source: RichDevX (Twitter) via PSX-Scene
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September 10th, 2010, 07:01 Posted By: bandit
Ever since the release of PSGroove, all these USB development kits are barebones. No case/housing. For some, we dont care if its bare naked while others want to protect it..like myself. Some have used boxes, tin gift card cans from GameStop that are in the shape of a PS3 console. I myself, had some old Memory Stick Pro Duo and SD memory card cases laying around and thought it would be a perfect fit for my Teensy++ 2.0 and Teensy 2.0, respectively.
With a little measuring, box cutter and patience, I think I got myself a pretty nice case that will protect the Teensy's.
Memory Stick Pro Duo for Teensy++ 2.0, two extra Teensy++ cases and SD card for Teensy 2.0

Teensy++ 2.0

Teensy 2.0 (cracked the case when cutting. I'll be using Krazy Glue to patch it up)

So what did you use as a case or plan on using as a case? Or maybe you prefer to go "commando"?
Lets see some homebrew!
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September 10th, 2010, 06:45 Posted By: bandit

PS3Hax member theblacksheep has figured out how to play ANY PS3 game via “remote play” function!
Last night I backup SF4 (little did i know this has trouble seeing the controllers), ran the FTP program, lifted the SFO out, edited in in SFO editor to allow remote play. Then put the SFO file back, entered remote play and ran the modified game. Instead of showing the fail screen for trying to play a non remote play game over remote play this time it worked and we got to the same screen when loading the game properly.
in short: SFO editing games to allow remote play works. Basically what hes saying is that, by editing the "PARAM.SFO" from the game that you just dumped onto your hard drive - and checking on the "Enable remote play" option, you will be able to play that game remotely via your PSP whether it had that option to begin with or not.
So how do you do this? Follow the tutorial below provided by PS3Exploits:
How to:- Dump any game of your choice to your hdd
- Install Ps3 FTP and launch it
- Connect via ftp and navigate to your hdd folder then to games -> LAUN12345 -> GAMEZ -> YOUR GAME ID -> PS3_GAME
- Now copy PARAM.SFO and make a backup of it just in case
- Download SFO Editor open the sfo and check “enable remote play”
- Save it and then open up the FTP and transfer the modded sfo back into the PS3_GAME folder.
- Now connect your psp in remote play and enjoy.
Here is a more in-depth guide with pictures on how to set it up (courtesy of PSX-Scene).
Source: PSX-Scene via PS3Hax
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September 8th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: A_Dave

Publisher/Developer: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Smart Bomb Interactive
Release: June 2nd 2010
Genre: Arcade Flight Combat
Players: Single-player, Online Multiplayer
Before I begin talking about the game I would like to first offer up my own thoughts on the Peanuts license. I am a fan of Charles Schultz's creations. To the point that I wore exclusively snoopy ties for nearly a week after his passing. What can I say, some people express grief in more artistic ways, poetry, art, music, me, I use formal attire. It's actually surprising to me that more games haven't used the license in the past The characters are so iconic and their charm so malleable that you could easily think of it being applied to say a kart racer or party game.
On the surface you have a fairly run of the mill arcade style flight combat game with all the trimmings you would expect from a kart racing game. The weapons are over the top and varied, the landscapes sufficiently colourful and charming. The flying itself is simple to pick up. A is boost, X for the air break allowing for a tighter turning circle and all evasive moves, barrel rolls and 180 turns, are mapped to the right stick. The weapons, health and boost are all rechargeable which works wonderfully because you never feel out of the game as long as you can just avoid combat for a few moments and recuperate. All the planes have the same main machine gun that feels a bit under powered compred to the special weapons. These range from the simple to the ridiculous, shotgun like shells are great up close but don't even scratch at long range. Poison missiles have great range, but close up they are fully capable of missing the side of a barn. There are EMP bombs that will drain the life of anyone on your tail. You have a choice of any two at the start of the matches and honestly, the amount of weapons is excellent and when coupled with the mix and match mechanics of choosing two you can come up with some very personalised and effective combinations.
The single player game doesn't offer up much more than a training ground to hone the skills required in multi-player. There are several different types of missions that will test various abilities. There are standard defeat X number enemies to proceed, or collect X number of MacGuffins (in this case Woodstock and his friends) while trying to avoid obstacles. Its all rather standard fare. I do not exaggerate when I say that most will breeze through the single player in one sitting. There are around 18 missions and some are so short as to have rewards for finishing them in a time of under one and a half minuets.
I should also note that while flight combat is the backbone of the game there is some variety in play provided by controllable turrets that when occupied can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favour. There are also missions that involve you controlling the bombs and turrets of a high altitude bomber. These didn't really bring anything new to the experience for me. If it almost like an idea that was implemented to the point where it could be included, but never incorporated to the point where it should have been.
Multi-player is where this game really shines. The combat is chaotic and fast. Sometimes it is hard too know exactly what is going on and you will from time to time be shot down by someone without ever having gotten a fix on there location, this is balanced, however, by the times that you are the one giving out the surprise kills on an unsuspecting victim of your own. The eight arenas are just that, arenas, think quake 3 but in the sky. There a a few hidden and secluded areas within them but the real action takes place in and around the central expanse of which ever map your playing in.
The modes in multi-player and the standard fare and the only two that I have seen played online are team and free-for-all death match. The other modes are dog pile, where one player collects the bone and is then a target for all the others and at the end whoever has the bone the longest wins and lastly pigskin, think American football but with planes and you have the general idea.
I can easily recommend this game to a variety of people. I think that it is a great family game in the sense that children can enjoy the single player, the older siblings the multi-player and the adults can just have fun shooting people out of the sky while controlling Snoopy on a killer flying dog house.
In summation, this game is like the battle mode in Mario Kart, only replace Mario with Snoopy and replace kart with plane. It is a great package that has something for almost everyone and is a fine addition to the XBLA catalogue.

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September 8th, 2010, 21:15 Posted By: bandit

With Teensy, Teensy++ and other USB Development Kits being sold out and probably backordered for weeks or even months, other companies/manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon and releasing their own USB development kits. Team Xecuter (well known in the Xbox modding scene) has just announced that they are behind the Minimus AVR USB that will be released very soon.
Our factory has been commissioned to manufacture the Minimus AVR USB Dev Kit and we can confirm that we were able to use our contacts at Atmel to secure a large amount of stock now and in the near future for them.
Production began this week and we will be shipping to the Minimus guys this weekend.
The product is as high quality as you can expect from anything manufactured by Xecuter and naturally we helped to tweak the design a little to make sure it was spot on (Cleaned up schematic, added Power & Status LED's, made sure all 22 I/O lines were available, more durable RST/HWB buttons for bootloader access etc)
Product Details:
- 22 Programmable I/O Lines
- 16Kbyte Flash
- 512 Byte SRAM
- 512 byte EEPROM
- 16 MIPS Throughput
- USB 2.0 High Speed
- 16MHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator Circuit
- 5V USB Powered
- Power / Status LED's
- Male USB Connector - No Cable Required
- Access to all IO's
- Easy Program / Update with Atmel FLIP (Flexible In-system Programmer)
- Robust HW/Reset Buttons (Simple Once-Only Operation When Programming)
- Full LUFA Compatability
- Full LibUSB Compatability
- Simple Plug n Play
- Atmel FLIP Software Drivers: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/to...p?tool_id=3886
- Software Compatible With Windows 9x / Me / NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 and Linux.
The Minimus AVR USB is powered by an Atmel AT90USB162 that is pre-programmed with the bootloader which allows code to be programmed inside the chip without any external programmer, just download the FLIP software from Atmel's web site and load your HEX code. To enter the bootloader mode you should simply press and hold HWB button, then press and release the RST button.
Get the Atmel FLIP software here: http://atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_...p?tool_id=3886 - these also include the Windows driver.
They even released a video of it in action:
As requested we tested to see if it would work with the "PSGroove" code on a PS3, and of course it works perfectly as it's based on the ATMEL design. However I should point out that this device can be used with thousands of USB projects but we won't allow any discussions on how to do any PS3 hacking here.
This product looks very nice. What makes it different from the Teensy's, Blackcat USB JTAG's and others is that it has a USB plug on it. No need for cables.
Source: Team Xecuter / Minimus AVR USB
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September 8th, 2010, 19:24 Posted By: bandit
ooPo over at Github.com has released the open source version of the PS3 Tool chain. This basically allows you to make your own homebrew on the PS3 without requiring the Sony SDK (conveniently released with the PSGroove v1.1 update).
What does this do?
This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony Playstation 3 videogame system.
How do I use it?
1) Set up your environment by installing the following software:
autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, make, makeinfo, patch, subversion, wget
2) Add the following to your login script:
export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin
3) Run the toolchain script:
Where do I go from here?
Visit the following sites to learn more:
We have also attached the file to make it easier for you.
Source: ooPo's Github via PS3Hax
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September 7th, 2010, 16:07 Posted By: bandit

With the release...I mean announcement of PS Jailbreak and clones and the recent release of the open source PSGroove and ports (i.e. PSFreedom), this was bound to happen. You didnt think Sony would just let run wild on its console right? PS Jailbreak, Jailbreak clones, PSGroove and ports all run on 3.41. However, installing 3.42 will make all USB exploits non-functional as it patches the hole that these Jailbreaks use. So if homebrew is important to you, DO NOT update the firmware. Within a few weeks or even days, there will probably be new exploits. Let the cat and mouse games begin!
PlayStation Blog:Hi everyone! A minor update to your PS3 system is now available via system software update v3.42 that includes additional security features. For more details and instructions on how to update the system software for the PS3 system, please visit the PS3 System Updates page.
PlayStation Blog Europe:An update to the PS3 system software was released on 7 September 2010. If you update your PS3 system, the system software version will be 3.42 and the following features will be updated. In order to download PS3 system software version 3.42, you will need a minimum 168MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (PC Update).
Main features in system software update version 3.42
* A patch has been added to address security vulnerability in the system software.

It seems the update is mandatory. However, you can bypass it. All you got to do is go into your Network settings, and set the DNS nameservers, to custom/manual and change both of them to:
File is attached below. How long this method will work is anyone's guess.
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September 7th, 2010, 04:03 Posted By: bandit

The list just keeps on growing. PSGroove is now ported and released onto the Dingoo A320 by Waninkoko. If that name doesn't ring a bell, he helped with the Nintendo Wii homebrew scene. And if you don't know what a Dingoo is, it's a handheld gaming system that can be used for music, video playback and emulator console.
"PSFreedom Dingoo" is a port of PSFreedom, created by KaKaRoTo, to the Dingoo A320 console (JZ4740 chipset). The zImage file included in the package allows you to boot a modified version of Dingux that makes the console to behave like the PSJailbreak device.
PSFreedom Dingoo
(the kernel patch is included in the package)
You can purchase black or white Dingoo A320 ($82.80 or $83.66 respectively) from DealExtreme.

Source: TeknoConsolas / Waninkoko (Twitter)
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September 7th, 2010, 03:25 Posted By: bandit

As more and more people figure out what chipsets are compatible with the PSGroove, there are more and more ways to Jailbreak your PlayStation 3.
So not only do you have USB boards such as Teensy, Teensy++, Blackcat USB JTAG, Dingoo, Nokia N900 but you can now use your TI-84 Graphing Calculator.
The exploit only works on the two models listed and does not launch backups yet.
- Make a backup of important things on your calculator to avoid any loss in case of reset of the RAM.
- Then transfer the application " PS3JB.8XK " on your TI -84 Plus or TI - 84 Plus Silver Edition through the appropriate software for your platform:
* Mac OS X : Connect IT
* Windows : TI Connect or TiLP
* Linux : TiLP
Under Windows, for example, you can use "IT DeviceExplorer" then perform a drag and drop the file or right click and choose "send to IT Device."
- Once the application is transferred, you should see " PS3JB "in the menu of your applications (by pressing the [ APPS ]).
- Run the application.
- After the start screen, press a button to display the menu:
1) PS3 Jailbreak
2) View Log
3) About
4) Quit
- To launch the exploit, select option 1.
- You can then follow the usual.
Source: YouTube / Twitter
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September 4th, 2010, 03:31 Posted By: bandit

Can't find a shop that carries Teensy's, AT980USB's or Blackcat USB JTAG's to load PSGroove but own a Nokia N900? Someone has ported PSGroove to Nokia N900.
Hi everyone,
As promised, here’s an update on my implementation of the PSJailbreak exploit : IT WORKS!
I made a video to show you, but I suck at making videos, so we can’t really see what’s going… I’ll do a better one tomorrow.
It’s 9:30 AM here, and I really need to go to sleep, I’ll post more about this tomorrow, and I’ll release the code tomorrow for everyone to enjoy, compile, contribute, read, laugh at, etc…
So here’s the binary release of PSFreedom (thanks to xnt14 for the name) : PSFreedom driver
I would like to thank 3 people in particular who helped me, encouraged me and helped debug with me : NTAuth, philhug and phire (a.k.a phiren) from EFNet.
So here’s how it works.. download the .tar.gz, extract it, copy the files to your n900 (with scp, into /root), then ssh into your N900 and type : ./psfreedom-enable.sh
Then you can follow the usual procedure, unplug the PS3 from power, plug in the N900, connect the power to the PS3, then press power and *quickly* press the eject button… Then just let the magic happen!
Once you’re done or want to revert back to the normal operation mode of the N900 (or to charge it) run the command ./psfreedom-disable.sh
In the future, we’ll have a nice package to install, a GUI application, I’ll make use of the LEDs to show you the status of what it’s doing, and i’ll have it auto-revert to mass storage mode, so you can use your N900 not only to enable homebrew but also to store your homebrew!
See you tomorrow! Good night!
Video now added:
Source: KaKaRoTo's Blog
Source Code: http://github.com/kakaroto/PSFreedom
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