February 18th, 2009, 17:26 Posted By: bandit
XCM Cross Battle Adapter
Manufacturer: XCM
Site: Buy from Play-Asia
Price: $50.00

Overview: Finally a way to enjoy your favorite PlayStation 3 games using your wired Xbox 360 controller! This unit allows you to connect any wired Xbox 360 controller to your PlayStation 3 with ease. Just plug and play! With built in Rapid Fire / Turbo modes for each button controlled independently.
Features:- Compatible with ALL PlayStation consoles and models.
- Requires the wired Xbox 360 controller.
- Built in Rapid Fire / Turbo for each button with independant controls.
- Easy to Use - Just Plug and Play!
Quality/Usability: There are haters and fanboys, debates and arguments as to which controller is better. Some hate the Dual Shock controller while others hate Xbox 360's controller. But there are some who want to play that one exclusive title that is only available only for the PS3 or 360 but would not subject themselves to putting up with having to play with a controller they dont feel comfortable with. If I was like that, I wouldnt blame them but XCM has come up with a solution.
They have come up with an adapter called the Cross Battle Adapter, that lets you use Xbox 360's controller on the PlayStation 3. Yes, those who dont like the DS controller in their hands, can use their beloved 360 controller on the PlayStation 3 and play games. The Cross Battle Adapter is housed in a clear blue casing with toggle switches on the front. These switches are for the TURBO function. Each switch is also labeled to tell you what each buttons are. For instance, the [X] button on the PS3 is the [A] button the 360. The R1 button on the PS3 is the RB on the 360.
The CBA connects to the PS3 via USB cable and is simply a plug-n-play. Unfortunately, this adapter does not work with wireless Xbox 360 controllers. You'll need to connect it via wire/corded controller. The moment you plug the wired 360 controller and CBA, you can start navigating the XMB immediately. Thanks to Goozex (US/CAN / EU) and trading my games, I was able to review the following games without having to waste too much money..
Little Big Planet - LBP doesnt require much except for timing. A slip of the button and you have to start at the last check point. Buttons felt comfortable.
Metal Gear Solid 4 - This was my first time playing MGS with a 360 controller. It took a couple of mins for me to get accustomed to the controls but once I got it down, it was very easy to play and controlled really well.
Motorstorm - When it comes to racing, I actually prefer the 360 because although its a bit clunky, it contoured my hand. Controlling the vehicle, braking and accelerating all worked without a problem. I think I actually did better with the 360 controller than I did with the Dual Shock.
Resistance 2 - I think this is the genre where most of the debate is revolved around...First Person Shooters. Some PC owners will even chime in and say get a mouse and keyboard..but that is a different product (XFPS RateUp) and debate. Having played Tom Clancy's Rainbox 6 Las Vegas, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Gears of Wars 2 all on the Xbox 360, I was so use to holding the controller. How does the CBA with 360 controller work on a FPS gamer on the PS3? Pretty damn good. My 360 controllers are equipped with KontrolFreek's FPS Joystick and GelTabz for that added grip. There was no lag and the accuracy was spot on. Luckily, the developers gave the gamers the ability to map the controls to their likings. Some games dont even have this option so you would be stuck with their awkward controls.
Conclusion: Overall, the XCM Cross Battle Adapter works great in allowing you to use Xbox 360 controller on the PlayStation3. However, there is no motion sensing since 360 doesnt have one built in, requires a wired controller and there is no rumble support! The TURBO feature is a nice feature but I barely used it. The price for this adapter is mixed feelings for me. I think its worth the $50 because I can use my 360 controller but the lack of rumble and having to use a wired controller makes me think that it should cost $30.
But for you Dual Shock lovers and own a Xbox 360, dont worry, XCM will be releasing Crossfire Battle Adapter. This will allow you to use your DS controller on the 360. Be sure to check back as we'll have a full review on it as well.
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