April 5th, 2014, 19:27 Posted By: bandit
XCM Tattoo Unisex Touch Winter Warm Gloves for Smart Phone Devices
Manufacturer: XCM
Site: Buy from GoldenShop
Price: $8.99

Overview : You might have come across the problem to use the touch screen mobile in winter? XCM tattoo phone glove made just for iPhone, iPad and similar touch enabled device, it made of high quality material and built in the conductive contact place on the fingertip of the gloves (capacitive tips for thumb, index finger and middle finger), guaranteed to keep your finger snug and warm on that cold windy day, the XCM tattoo phone glove has a cool tribal tattoo design and almost always eye-catching.
- High quality 3rd party product.
- Made of high quality material and built in the conductive contact place on the fingertip of the gloves (capacitive tips for thumb, index finger and middle finger).
- Works on smart phones, tablets or other touch screen devices.
Quality/Usability : Ever tried to use your smartphone or tablet in the blistering cold where your fingers freezes? What about trying to use your phone with your gloves on but nothing registers or your gloves are just too bulky?
XCM has a glove that allows you to use your smartphone, tablet and other touch screen devices without freezing your fingers.
The glove is made of soft cotton/polyester material. From what I can see, it comes in one size and one color only. It does have 2 different tribal designs to choose from. In regards to size, I'm 5' 9" and I think I have average size hands and it was a bit snug but did stretch enough that my fingers were at the tip of the glove.
On the thumb, index and middle finger, there are three conductive contact place on the fingertip of each glove. This allows you to swipe, select and even zoom in or out.
Does it protect your hand from the cold and blistering wind? Yes. But don't expect it to be winter gloves where you can use it to throw snowballs. One thing I did notice was that if your hands get sweaty, the moisture will come through the glove and leave wet marks on your device.
Conclusion : Overall, the gloves work fine. I didn't have any problems with it not swiping or pinch zooming. It would be nice if the gloves ran a little bigger or at least offered 2 sizes (S/M and M/L).

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