Posted By: bandit
Joybox PlayStation Controller Adapter
Manufacturer: N/A
Site: Buy from Goldenshop
Price: $9.00

Overview : Use your most beloved PlayStation controller on your GameCube/Wii.
Features :- High quality 3rd party product.
- Convert the PSX/PSX2 controller to be used on the GameCube or Wii console.
- Supports rumble function.
- Supports all the buttons.
Quality/Usability : I know I'm probably not the one that enjoys and loves the way the PlayStation controller feels in our hands. Some may not like the feel of the GameCube controller whether it be design or button layout but now, there is an option to let you use your beloved PlayStation controller instead.
We tested the Joybox PlayStation Controller Adapter. Nothing fancy. Just a simple piece of adapter that plugs into the GameCube controller port and a female PlayStation adapter to plug your PlayStation controller. The best part about the Joybox is the compatibility with the PlayStation 2 controller. Yes, the Dual Shock feedback even works. Here is a layout of the buttons compared between the GameCube and PlayStation controllers:
C-Stick--------------Right Analog
You wont be able to configure the button setups but I dont know why you would want to considering the PlayStation controller layout is almost the same as the GameCubes. For some games, the "Z" button on the GameCube is the R1 on the PlayStation but depending on the game, it can also be L1. So you get to use both R1 or L1.
Regarding the feedback, I noticed that for some games, it was strong as if I was playing a PlayStation game but with some, the rumble feedback wasnt as strong but you can still feel it.
Conclusion : Overall, the Joybox PlayStation Controller Adapter works well for those who want to play GameCube games with their PlayStation controllers. A nice feature is the ability to allow rumble feedback when using a Dual Shock controller. The price of $9 for this adapter is fairly cheap. The layout of the buttons is similar to that of the GameCube controller. If you dont have an extra GameCube controller for that extra multiplayer fun but have a PlayStation controller, this will come in handy.
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