Posted By: alukadoo
Author : naughtydog from
Source :

The P3Go has never exactly been a simple product to review, it's a complicated device . Since the dongle launch back 2 weeks ago, I have always considered it a niche, high-end product and much less a mainstream jailbreak device.
Yes it really has 128M of flash available for you to play with. Seriously you do not need that much space unless you plan on doing something else no one has dreamed of. Did they build this device with the sole aim of jailbreaking the ps3?
Lets see what is inside the P3Go:

You get two drives shown on your computer after windows has finished installing the necessary drivers for the P3Go. Takes less than a minute to complete. One drive shows you the space left on the P3Go which is 38.4MB when it comes new. You can keep your backup managers. FTP programs etc on the root of this drive and it shows in your "Install Packages" on the ps3 console. The other one shows you the microSD slot on the P3Go. Currently I have none inserted so 0 space shown.

Files already inside the P3Go. You probably have almost all these files installed already. More importantly the P3Go user files are also listed here for ease of access I guess. Very useful. They also have their own backup manager in here. Neat and tidy but nothing to be excited about. Simple operational tools like Exit/Copy/Delete/Launch although the interface is nicer compared to some existing ones. You are better of sticking to your usual Gaia, Open or Rogero Manager.

Now opening PS3_Game folder up you meet this picture above. Basically contains their manager as well as game covers.
Ok lets move on to more important things ie how it works.
This device comes preflashed with an update dated 2010.10.22 but there is one available on their official website dated 2010.10.26. This contains both Hermes V4B and PL3 payloads. Interesting stuff is you can boot in either Hermes or PL3 depending on your choice.
P3Go Firmware Update
Yes that simple and it works.
To boot in Hermes:
Boot normally as any jailbreak device by pressing power and immediately pressing eject and Hermes is instantly used in jailbreak.
To boot in PL3
Have a microSD card available in the slot of the P3Go before booting it the normal way. That is power and pressing eject. Having the microSD is vital if you want to use PL3 else it automatically uses the Hermes.
Downside of this is if you do not have a microSD you can never boot in PL3 and I think that is a minus. A switch would have done the trick.
No game testing results this time as it's pretty obvious there is nothing new here just a new clone to jailbreak the ps3. Works as your normal jailbreak device with extra features.
The Good
Surprisingly well-built
Powerful technology
Amazing price point
Stylish design
Seriously too much flash space
Users cannot flash with any hex or bin they desire
Official Website: GAMEBOX
Any further information can be asked in this thread or you can check from thier official site. By the way I got mine from LIGHTAKE. Very cheap 25.89USD and shipped fast.

THE LEDS: Cant get a better picture when connected to the ps3 so here is PC