March 17th, 2008, 23:15 Posted By: bandit
ZAGG invisibleSHIELD PSP Slim Lite
Manufacturer: invisibleSHIELD
Site: Buy from invisibleSHIELD
Price: $19.95 (full body coverage); $9.95 (screen coverage)

Overview : Your search for a(n) Sony PSP Slim case, skin, or cover is now over. The invisibleSHIELD™ is an exceptionally clear and virtually indestructible film that will protect your PSP Slim from unsightly scratches. Our exclusive nano-memory™ technology covers and shields your device, keeping it as pristine as the day you took it out of the box.
The precision pre-cut invisibleSHIELD applies directly to your PSP Slim, providing the toughest, most durable protection you will find. The invisibleSHIELD has its origins in the military, where it was used to protect high-speed helicopter blades from dust, dirt and debris. Now you can use that same powerful technology to protect your PSP Slim.
The invisibleSHIELD is only .2 millimeters thick making it the slimmest PSP Slim skin or PSP Slim cover of its kind. It is so tough that we back it with a lifetime guarantee. So, if it ever does wear or scratch, we will replace it for free, for the life of your device. And if you ever need to remove the invisibleSHIELD, no problem; it comes off clean and leaves no sticky residue.
If you're still not convinced, check out our demo video and see for yourself how strong the invisibleSHIELD™ really is.
Features:- Scratch Proof
- Lifetime Guarantee
- No added bulk
- Improves grip
- Invisible protection
Quality/Usability : With the new release of a smaller and slimmer PSP, I had to jump on it. I loved the original PSP and with the new PSP being slimmer and lighter, it also came in different colors other than black. Granted, the original PSP had black and white (Japan only). In the US, you have black and silver.
Having owned the phat silver DS, I was afraid that the silver PSP my succumb to the same paint chipping. So to protect my investment, thats where invisibleSHIELD comes in. You've probably have either heard of invisibleSHIELD or seen some form of their advertisement such as key scratching ipod, pen trying to go through invisibleSHIELD. They protect everything from your precious iPods, to cellphones to cameras and even your Macbook.
invisibleSHIELD comes in a cardboard box. The box opens up like a tri-fold wallet/folder. On the left side pocket, it holds the invisibleSHIELD (3 sheets) and generic instructions on a piece of paper. The middle also contains generic instructions but printed on the box. The right side holds the squeegee at the top and SHEILDspray at the bottom. The SHIELDspray is just plain water.
I've installed numerous DecalGirl skins on consoles and they were easy. Even if you messed up, peeling and reapplying was easy. So applying the invisibleSHIELD should be an easy walk through the park. Considering the size of the pieces, installation is fairly simple. First, I started off with the front faceplate. They suggest washing your hands so that your fingerprints arent all over the sticky side of the invisibleSHIELD. Next, spray your fingerstips with the SHIELDspray (its basically regular water) and peel the invisibleSHIELD off the paper backing. Once peeled off, hold the invisibleSHIELD in your hands with the adhesive side up. Lightly spray the front (instructions states to spray back also, why? I dont know) of the invisibleSHIELD. DO NOT spray on the PSP itself. Once you have applied water to the invisibleSHIELD. Apply it to your PSP and slide it into place. I lightly sprayed water onto the invisibleSHIELD as there are crevices on the PSP that I do not want water going into. Use the squeegee to push the excess moisture and bubbles away from the center and any openings to the edges. You have to becareful around the buttons, speakers and any open areas. The screen was easy to apply since the faceplate invisibleSHIELD is already in place.
The back contains 4 pieces. One for each side, UMD door and inner circle (PSP logo). I did not use water for this as the pieces were smaller and easier to apply.
Since I'm a perfectionist and a bit anal when it comes to things like this, I didnt have to do much re-adjusting unlike the Macbook invisibleSHIELD. Do remember that when you're peeling the invisibleSHIELD off, the invisibleSHIELD can stretch making it bigger than its suppose to be.
Conclusion : Overall, the ZAGG invisibleSHIELD PSP Slim Lite protected the PSP very well. It covered all of the front and back. The full coverage will cost you $19.95 and the screen only costs $9.95. I personally prefer HORI screen protectors as clings on by static, easy to clean/apply and costs half as much. Although the instructions are generic and the same for all their products, the process is all the same just shaped differently. just But those afraid of getting their PSP scratched should check out invisibleSHIELD.
The Lifetime Guarantee unfortunately only covers the product. They claim its scratch resistant, so if it scratches, they'll replace it. If you mess up, thats user/installer error.
The invisibleSHIELD™ purchase includes a lifetime replacement guarantee. We want you to feel safe and secure when investing in your digital life, and are confident that the invisibleSHIELD™ is the strongest and most durable protection you will find. Purchasing an invisibleSHIELD™ will protect your investment for the life of your device.
The lifetime replacement guarantee is simply what it says. If your invisibleSHIELD™ ever becomes scratched, torn or damaged in any way while protecting your device, we will replace the invisibleSHIELD™ for free, for life.
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