October 28th, 2010, 02:38 Posted By: bandit
Prankster AVR PS3 USB Dongle ecliPS3
Manufacturer: Prankster AVR
Site: Buy from OzModChips / Buy from ModchipCentral
Price: $39.95-$44.99

Overview : Prankster AVR is a small USB stick device which can be easily programmed with custom code to prank your friends. It uses the ATmega family for its internal IC. This means it can be programmed very easily with a simple click of an exe file from your PC.
The code that will ship with the device emulates a CAPs lock key being switched on and off every couple of seconds:
tHE DEviCE JuST LookS LiKE a noRMAL uSb StiCK, So IT MIght TAke SoMEone a WHile to FIguRE ouT whAT is GoING on.
Features :- Caps Locker - Will toggle the caps lock key on the keyboard
- Numlocker - Will toggle the NumLock key on the keyboard
- Help me! - Will press F1, which will bring up the help screen on your PC
- Who is BOB? - Will write "BOB" on the screen if you are in a text editor (word etc). Who is bob?!
- FBI - Same as above, but with the words FBI
- ET phone home! - Will press the Home key and move the cursor to start of the line
- Schizophrenia - Will Page up or down!
Quality/Usability : This thumbdrive looks like an ordinary thumbdrive but its not. This device is meant to prank your friends and/or family. When the dongle is inserted, it plays all kinds of tricks such as toggling CAPS lock, NUM lock, cause the screen to move up and down and many other new tricks. First, you'll need to download the Prankster application. This allows you to choose the prank of your choice. To load the prank, insert the Prankster AVR into a USB on your computer and open up the .exe file you just downloaded and extracted.
Once the program is open, you're given a few selections to choose from.

Once you've chosen which prank you want, it will give you a new window with the intervals of how often you want the prank to be played.

*Note: Your CAPS lock and NUM lock will toggle. So you will need to make sure that CAPS lock is not ON and NUM lock is not off.
From there, there isnt much left. Pretty much just give it to your target, sit back and laugh. Pretty lame huh? Considering it says "Prankster AVR" on the stick itself and its not a storage device. But if you own a PlayStation 3, you're in for a treat! The Prankster AVR's bootloader was actually "hacked" by a 3rd party (code by Charlie Brown; main reversing by syph0r) to be able to run HEX files and to match the bootloader of the ecliPS3 (another Jailbreak USB clone device). However, once you convert this into jailbreak device, you're unable to go back to a pranking device as the original bootloader has been overwritten with that of the ecliPS3. But now that crappy bootloader is now overwritten with ecliPS3's, basically any PSGroove or PSFreedom based hex file for any board type can now be imported (both AVR and PIC based boards are supported). However, should this review be now turned into a ecliPS3 review?
Requirements :- PS3 Console (fat or slim)
- Console (firmware) version 3.41 only
- Remove all discs from the drive
- Do not connect any devices to the console via USB
- IMPORTANT: The console must be completely switched off before using Prankster AVR. For fat versions, use the switch at the rear. For slim versions, simply remove the power cable. This is extremely important for the process to work correctly when you start the console.
ecliPS3 Features :- Fully updatable via USB on your PC using an encrypted bootloader
- USB Plug and Play solution that installs in seconds without any need to open up the PS3.
- Supports any available type of firmware for the PS3. PSGroove, PSFreedom and so on.
- Can load directly PSGroove .hex files and Payloads .BIN files
- Can be removed once started. No need to have the USB key always into your PS3!
- Does not break your warranty seal.
- Compatible with all PS3 models, both Fat and Slim.
- Supports all regions: USA, JAP, PAL and KOREA.
- Optimized and enhanced code (most competing products simply use available code)
- Disables forced software updates and will never brick your console.
- Supports most games and homebrew applications.
- Easy-to-use software for backing up, managing, and playing games from external USB Hard Drive.
- Playing games from HDD is much more enjoyable, benefiting from greatly enhanced seek and loading times.
- Supports installing homebrew application on PS3 and external USB media.
- Simple and clear illustrations will guide you to install step by step.
- ecliPS3 is supplied blank. Users can download the latest “Firmware Manager” from our website and choose what firmware they prefer to install from the many available!
Instructions on How to Load ecliPS3 firmware, HEX (.hex) Files, Import Payloads (.bin) or ERASE files :
Required files:
You must "hack" the Prankster AVR by using PrHackster.exe. If you used the Prankster.exe to try out the prank, its best if you remove the dongle and reinsert it back into the USB. Double click on the PrHackster.exe and it will toggle the Scroll and NUM lock. This overwrites the Prankster bootloader and replaces it with ecliPS3's bootloader. If successful, it will display a message saying that activation is done which will now be recognizable with Eclipse's Firmware Manager and to launch ecliPS3 Upgrader (Firmware Manager). Before you launch the firmware manager, you MUST download Microsoft's Visual C++. Without this, Eclipse's Firmware Manager will not work and will give an error when you try and open it.
Eclipse's Firmware Manager looks similar to that of PS Samurai's.

On the Upgrader software, you're able to load their own proprietary file (ecliPS3 FIRMWARE), PSGroove HEX (.hex) files, Import payload (.bin) files or ERASE the files on the Prankster AVR. So, if you want the latest updates, you can simply load the HEX files and than load ecliPS3 files when it becomes available if you wanted to. To load the files, select the method you want to load your files whether it be ecliPS3's firmware, HEX files or importing payloads and select the file you want to load. Once selected, click on START and the software will begin to upgrade the dongle with the file you selected. Once completed, it will pop up with a message and click OK. Now, you're able to remove the dongle from the computer and into the PS3.
What makes the ecliPS3 bootloader different from some of those on the market is that no matter what HEX file you use, it will work (at least for the ones I've tested). So there is no need to be afraid if you load the wrong HEX and that it will damage the dongle or corrupt the bootloader.
Tested HEX files : (HEX collections)- Arduino
- Benito
- Blackcat USB
- iLLNESS P3Free
- Maximus AVR USB
- Minimus AVR USB
- Olimex
- Open Kubus
- PS3Key Open Version (for AVRKey)
- Teensy 1.0
- Teensy 2.0
- Teensy++ 1.0
- Teensy++ 2.0
I've tested pretty much every HEX file available with both Hermes v4b and Karatoko's PL3. All HEX's were ranged from 8MHz to 16MHz and all worked with no problems and even the LEDs worked as well. I was unable to remove the USB from the case as its glued but was informed that it contains a 16kb chip.
Operation :
Once the power to your console is completely disconnected:- Turn on the console (PS3 Fat with the switch, PS3 Slim connecting the power cable)
- Insert Prankster AVR into a USB port on the PS3
- Start up the PS3 and press the EJECT button.
- The LED (which should have been red initially) will change to green.
- If the above process worked, there will be a link to “Install Package File” in the game menu.
In order to make sure the Prankster AVR dongle worked flawlessly, I had to uninstall all my homebrew applications that I had originally installed. To install applications or any homebrew applications, you will need to download and save the .pkg files to a USB drive such as thumbdrive or harddrive. To install, simply insert USB drive to the PS3 and navigate to "INSTALL PACKAGE FILES" on the XMB under GAME. Select the file you want to install by pressing X and it will automatically install the file. All applications installed and loaded without any problems.
Conclusion : Overall, I dont know what to call this product or even consider this review as. Prankster AVR, where its an actual pranking device? Prankster AVR, where its just another jailbreaking device? Or ecliPS3, since once the Prankster AVR is hacked, that's the bootloader that is installed. I'm so confused! None-the-less, Prankster AVR is another jailbreaking device (if you intend it to be) but is able to load any...and I mean ANY HEX files you install without the fear of it corrupting or bricking. Since it accepts all HEX files from any board, you won't have to wait for a specific HEX file to be compiled when a new update is released. Whichever comes out first, you're able to use it. If you're the type that likes to experiment and try new things, you can even use this to see if the compiled HEX works before loading it on the actual device. Since the product is a pranking device and the idea is to prank someone, it's best if the words/logo "Prankster AVR" wasn't printed on the casing. Kind of defeats the purpose.
Please note that none of the "upgrade" products listed in this site are endorsed by Nintendo, Sony and/or Microsoft. DCEmu Reviews and DCEmu Network does not condone piracy. The primary functions of a "modchip" and/or "flashcart" are to allow you to play imported games and homebrew software that you legally own or simply just for experimenting with hardware. We in no way endorse piracy, and encourage all users to do the right thing and support the developers/manufacturers that support them. We do not take any responsibilities for any use outside of these parameters or where the use of such a device is illegal.
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