Posted By: bandit

The list just keeps on growing. PSGroove is now ported and released onto the Dingoo A320 by Waninkoko. If that name doesn't ring a bell, he helped with the Nintendo Wii homebrew scene. And if you don't know what a Dingoo is, it's a handheld gaming system that can be used for music, video playback and emulator console.
"PSFreedom Dingoo" is a port of PSFreedom, created by KaKaRoTo, to the Dingoo A320 console (JZ4740 chipset). The zImage file included in the package allows you to boot a modified version of Dingux that makes the console to behave like the PSJailbreak device.
PSFreedom Dingoo
(the kernel patch is included in the package)
You can purchase black or white Dingoo A320 ($82.80 or $83.66 respectively) from DealExtreme.

Source: TeknoConsolas / Waninkoko (Twitter)