Posted By: bandit

You thought Sony wouldn't try and stop this? Sony has just pushed 3.55 firmware update to all PS3 consoles.
A new PS3 system software update, v3.55, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch.
Some have thought it was because of the recent news of X3Max's 3.50 jailbreak. However, how can Sony block something that has yet to be released? So the obvious reason for the update is because of the downgrader that was released last week by PS Jailbreak.
The FACTORY SERVICE MODE still works using an E3 Card Reader or Original PS Jailbreak, but the (lv2diag.self file_1) has been revoked by Sony if the system is v3.55. So there is no downgrading but the second file (lv2diag.self file_2) was not. So at least Sony does not want you stuck in FACTORY SERVICE MODE and allows the user to return his machine back to a normal state to be able to go back online and play games.
Source: PlayStation Blog